Some time ago my mother sent out a letter to all her kids, I was recently going through my box of cards when I ran into this letter. Some of the ideas in it I have implemented into my holiday season and perhaps some of you may wish to as well.
..."Thanksgiving and Christmas isn't a time to spend ton more or rush more. It is a time to slow down and give (yep! that is dirty word (or seems to be anymore) GIVE). Somehow in this crazy world we have decided that giving is all about the money, and holidays are all about crowding everything and everyone into two days, two huge meals and tons of gifts that tend to make it in to the discard pile shortly there after.
Everyone is rushing and squeezing and shouting so loud that no one can even hear, it tends to be a bit overwhelming. At the end of the season do find yourself taking a deep breathing and letting a sigh of relief that its all over. Well here are some idea on how to slow down and try not to rush so much, perhaps you may be able to feel a bit more joy if you do.
1. invite only one side of a family at a time, either yours or your spouses side. Don't try to fit in both, when we try to fit in both either at the same time or in the same day, not only do you but both families also get short changed.
2. anyone who couldn't make to dinner, invite them to share your leftovers or have them over for coffee and a dessert on another night of the week. (not everything has to be fit in on the weekend)
3. If someone is thinking of having a dinner maybe suggest pot luck, everyone brings something and no one is feeling trapped about how much to make. (remember pot luck rule, take enough for your family plus three)
4. Remember the holiday season starts on Thanksgiving, which gives you 29 days not just 2.
All to often the holidays are so focused on gifts that people forget to think of not only the person you're buying for but what they may like or need.
1. Make a gift. Yes, I realize that those three words have a dirty stigma to them, but if you really think about that person, you could probably come up with an idea that is prefect for them-that no store could ever duplicate.
2 Or maybe give something that you already own that someone has admired every time they has seen it. With it give a card or a (hand written) letter on why you gave them this. It will become a treasure to them. Small gestures tend to be the things people remember the most, not the grand expensive item the didn't last.
3 Coupons. No I'm not talking about things you use at the store, but rather personal coupons. "One free night baby-sitting 6-9", "One day of get-out of kitchen duty", "Afternoon at my house for lunch" or offer services, weeding, cleaning house, washing car, or if you sew "free sewing job" crochet job..etc make sure you put hours, days or items on your coupon. You first think how lame and "cheap" these are but I can assure you there is no child out there who doesn't want to get out of doing a chore without being disciplined for it. Parents that don't want a few hours away from home without the kids. These coupons have more thought and quality in them then a lot of gifts bought at a store.
4. If your kids/spouse are already spoiled, then would be a good time to teach them the real meaning of giving. After all when God sent His son, He didn't send him to a party, but to save us. What could you ever buy that could match that?
The most important thing is not to forget about someone. Everyone is important no the gifts praise tag. if the price tag is all that matters then why don't we just give tags.
This one is hard, for some. But at the same time it really isn't you just an idea of how to use it.
1. Tree trimming party, have you tree up and the lights on. Invite someone over and decorate it together, Christmas cookies are always good to serve.
2. Good old holiday movie night, popcorn and a old fashion movie. You would be surprised at how many people will actually like the old movie.
3. Go Sledding
4. Game night
5. Caroling party, not every caroling party means to go door to door singing Christmas carols, although that tends to be fun. You can also have cookies, hot chocolate and sit around the living room singing carols.
I guess the whole point of the holidays is to slow down and enjoy the people that are there with you. Time is the only in this world that is spent and will never come back. Life is not a video game there is no restart button, and no play it again. What you have in front of you should be enjoyed. Thanksgiving and Christmas come once a year, make this season count for you and yours."
My mother always had a way of putting thing in to perspective and giving ideas on how to make something old have the feel of brand new.
So from me to you,
Merry Christmas
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